
Lella Costa focuses on Dante Alighieri’s women

Saturday 7 August in Pratovecchio with “Intelletto d’amore. Dante e le donne”

Lella Costa

Lella Costa’s showIntelletto d’amore. Dante e le donne” will be performed on Saturday 7 August (9pm) in Pratovecchio’s piazza Landino, the second theatre performance as part of the Dante Festival 700, organized by the Pratovecchio Stia Council and the Fondazione Toscana Spettacolo non-profit association.

Written and directed by Gabriele Vacis, Dante e le donne chooses some of Dante’s women, making them speak directly with the audience in a confidential way and from unusual perspectives. The moving, entertaining and tight script, which is expertly performed by Lella Costa, allows onlookers to experience Dante’s work free from all rhetoric. There’s Beatrice of course, the poet’s sublime love, as well as plenty of characters from seven hundred years ago. Francesca also puts in an appearance as Dante damned her to hell with her Paolo. We also meet Taibe, the Malebolge prostitute who is obliged to frail in filth for a far different reason than for her “profession”. And finally Gemma Donati, the poet’s wife and the mother of his children, who explains how she lived with her husband’s amorous ideals, which did not include her.


Info and booking required 0575 583762 – 504838 – 504837