
An app for visually impaired people on the Dante itineraries in Florence

Called “L’Occhio della città intelligente”, it enables you to discover the city independently

Dante is within everyone’s reach, thanks to the “L’Occhio della città intelligente” (Eye of the intelligent city) app, an inclusive project that makes the story of the Supreme Poet accessible to all.

The app is free and provides plenty of useful information for those with visual impairments, as well as for the elderly, non-native speakers, tourists and anyone who needs to know the points of interest such as pharmacies, bus stops, taxis, Wi-Fi points, offices, health facilities, monuments and the most notable buildings, even for special events.

How the App works

Upon the initiative of the Lions Club of Florence, the App was realized by the Soroptimist International Club Firenze Due with three Dante itineraries that illustrate monuments, tower houses and tombstones related to the life of the poet and to the Commedia. The explanations, which can also be used by people with little or no visual ability, detail the structure of the monuments, describe the images, and precisely indicate the position of the tombstones. The app was created by the Lions and Leo Districts of Tuscany, in partnership with the Disability Center of the University of Florence.

In the same App, there’s a similar path in the other city of Dante, Ravenna, created by the local Lions Club and also accessible from a distance.