“Paradiso”, the new creation by Virgilio Sieni, arrives in Florence
The show will be at the Cango Cantieri Culturali Goldonetta from November 6 to 14

Fresh from the success at Naples where it made its debut and performances in the main Italian festivals and theatres, “Paradiso”, Virgilio Sieni’s latest work, arrives in Florence. From November 6 to 14, the show will be in Cango (via Santa Maria 25 in Florence). The completely original interpretation of Dante’s work doesn’t use the words of the Divine Comedy or try to translate the text into motion, rather, the show creates a suspension to gather the powerful tenuity of the contact and convey the primordial, liberating gesture of love.
The five dancers – Jari Boldrini, Nicola Cisternino, Maurizio Giunti, Andrea Palumbo and Giulio Petrucci – build a garden by playing with resonances between them and the plants, between bodies and plant matter, and between physicality and nature. The aspects of a newly discovered game are outlined: it’s the plants that choose and determine the gestures, measures, shadows, and disappearances of the bodies, establishing a new form of tactility where the skin is not touched, but the subtle energies that surround bodies are released from them.
This continuous manipulation, caressing and pressing of the invisible and impalpable space around bodies builds the hendecasyllabic movements that rhyme and dance from one tercet to another in a journey that ends in the timeless space of happiness.
Virgilio Sieni comments “Dante’s Paradise recomposes the body according to a distance that’s typical of the aura, a place defined by movement, and by what is changeable. A journey that ends in the timeless space of happiness. It’s a journey from the human to the divine, from time to eternity. The show is the construction of a garden, a dance that’s formed by proximity and tactility”.
The first part is the construction of a physical garden of gestures. A quintet of dancers trace the ground with steps intended as the planting of an imaginary garden. The choreography is built with hendecasyllables of movements where the verses of the dance resound in the rhyme of one tercet to another.
In the second part, everything happens by looking at the breath of the plants for the movements to build a garden as a trace and memory of the gestures that have just crossed it. The proximity to nature plunges us into what seems like a newly discovered game: it’s the plants who choose and determine the gestures, measures, shadows, and disappearances.
CANGO, via Santa Maria 25 Florence
TICKETS: € 10 full / € 8 reduced
INFO AND RESERVATIONS: Tel. 055 2280525 – Biglietteria@virgiliosieni.it